New website!
Welcome to the newly revamped WSTRA website!
According to our website survey, members wanted something that was accessible, easy to navigate, and frequently updated.
Regarding accessibility and navigation… every new post will appear on the home page in reverse chronological order (most recent at the top). Every post will also be categorized for easy accessibility and can be found under its general categorical heading featured on the menu across the top. This way you can search all of the most recent posts just by going to our home page – or go straight to the area you are looking for!
Another new feature you’ll notice is the “Receive Email Updates” link on the right side of the home page (bottom of page if on a mobile device)… If you’d like to receive an email every time we make a new post, we recommend you subscribe. WSTRA will still be doing regular newsletters but this feature allows you to receive an update every time we add new content to the website (which will occur much more frequently than the newsletters).
Another request from our membership was the ability to interact with other members. You will see that we have enabled “comments” under every post allowing you to share your thoughts regarding that post as well as share your own resources that may be related to that post.
One of the most frequent requests was for a member driven website that offered a place to share announcements about CEU opportunities, jobs, internships, and helpful resources regarding topics like documentation, evidence based practice, and study tips for the NCTRC exam; based on this request, we’ve added a convenient link on the right side (bottom on mobile devices) allowing you to send your content directly to the board for posting. Our new “blog” style website gives all WSTRA board members the ability to post content, allowing us to get your information out to the membership in a timely manner.
Last, but certainly not least, the current board realizes that WSTRA would not be the active and successful organization it is today were it not for our previous boards; therefore, we have incorporated elements from the historical pages of our original website in the History tab of the current website.
We hope you like the new look!
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions!
- CEUs for internship supervisors!
- Job Posting – Fairfax Behavioral Health