CEU Learning Survey
We would like to host a virtual learning opportunity in the next couple of months. The link below will take you to a survey where you can tell us which day of the week/ time of day works best for you. This survey is not limited to WSTRA members and can be completed by any RT/ TR that is interested in a virtual training session. You must choose an option for each category to complete the survey.
Please complete the survey by Friday, April 29, 2022.
Link to Survey: https://forms.gle/EpxwfHJ12jbAe3iL8
Interested in being on the board or helping plan the virtual session? Please email Treasurer@WSTRA.org
- JOB POST: RECREATION THERAPIST, Smokey Point Behavorial Hospital
- JOB POSTING: RECREATION THERAPIST, Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Seattle WA