Looking for Therapeutic Recreation program (or CTRS) in Ellensburg, WA area

Do you know of a TR/RT program or a CTRS in Ellensburg, WA (or surrounding area)?

A potential client is looking for TR services in the area.

If so, please contact Emily at emessina@ewu.edu



One thought on “Looking for Therapeutic Recreation program (or CTRS) in Ellensburg, WA area

  1. Rebecca Leavell

    Hello Emily,
    I am contacting you in regards to your post about TR/RT in Ellensburg. Soon my husband will be out of the military and we will be moving to Ellensburg so he can go to school. I have just started looking into job opportunities in the area for a CTRS. Unfortunately I have not found a ton so far. I did see an organization that does equine therapy. She is not a CTRS but it might be an option for your potential client; it was called Spirit Therapeutic Riding; I believe. If you hear about many other options would you mind sending them toward me. I am excited for a new chapter but am concerned about finding a position as a CTRS. I will keep you updated if I find any other programs. Thank you and good luck!

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