A Letter from the President
Hello WSTRA Members!
I would like to take some time and update all of you on the happenings of WSTRA. As many of you know, WSTRA has a board of directors, elected by you, who meet regularly. These meetings are typically conference calls, where we discuss how to make WSTRA better and focus on current TR/RT issues. This year, in an effort to further improve this organization, we are planning to meet in person and hold a board retreat in November. This will allow us to work more aggressively on establishing specific goals and ideas for the coming years.
We will also use this meeting to plan the annual WSTRA Conference. As of late, we have been alternating holding the conference in western Washington and eastern Washington. This format seems to be working out well, to provide an equal opportunity for recreation therapists on opposite sides of the state to attend a conference close to home on a bi-anual basis. We are tentatively planning to have the 2017 conference in Bellingham. The location is being considered because Western Washington University is one of only two universities in our state that has a TR/RT program. Stay connected and look for updates on conference news and other planned activities via our Facebook page and website.
One of the topics I am most passionate about is obtaining Licensure in the State of Washington. This is an important endevour to validate our chosen field, provide uniform standards, and protect our clientel as well as our credentials. We need to get the ball rolling to establish a Legislation Commettee and begin this process. This is why I’m co-leading this committee with our East Side Representative, Kelly Sipes. Some of you have mentioned that you would like to be part of this committee. Please let me know if you or a recreation therapist you know is interested in this important cause.
The other committee that we offer is the Conference Committee. The East and West Side Representatives welcome your talents if planning conferences and student/professional outreach is your talent.
Please consider joining one of these committees or running for a future board position so we can continue to improve and make a difference for all Recreational Therapists. Email me at president@wstra.org if you’re interested.
The 2016-2017 board of directors would like to thank you for your continued support and commitment to our profession.
Thank you,
Kelsey Ellis, CTRS/R
- JOB POSTING – Recreation Therapist, Child Study and Treatment Center, Lakewood, WA
- JOB POSTING – Recreation Therapist, Western State Hospital, Lakewood, WA – TWO OPENINGS
Please pass along, that we have at least two openings for Recreation Therapists at Western State Hospital in Lakewood, WA. One opening is at East Campus, and another in Forensics.